Saturday, October 4, 2008

My New Haircut

Does anyone else see a resemblance to Tommy Baldwin?

Live from Talladega, it's Saturday Night Live

24 hours into the debauchery of the Talladega Girls Weekend and we already have too much to write about.

Melissa is now officially known as Hilljack.

Darlynn is frequently using the term "Doo Whaa?"

Melissa said "We got heels here"....Darlynn and I asked why she brought heels to a race, and she said "no, not heels, that large round thing over there"...."Oh Melissa, you mean Hills."

Apparently they are making King of the Heel into a movie and the worlds largest casting call for Boomhauer is taking place in front of our very eyes.

I was proposed to by a complete stranger last night....oddly enough, he had all his teeth.

The 3 of us must be in one of those naked dreams because people are staring at us like they have never seen a woman.

We cock blocked for Reed. The girl was wearing a shiny blue satin jacket.

Talladega Blvd. was giving out Hep C and Staff infections last tattoos in the infield. I can only imagine it now....Look MA! I got a JR tattoo in Dega. WOOO.

On the plus side, it is Saturday and I have not seen the infield care center yet.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bringing our "A" game??

So, I was asked today if we were bringing our "A" game to Dega. Being as we are girls that grew up in the Spring Break capitol of the world....I have to say, would you expect anything less? Then again, we are a little bit older now and may not understand today's terminology of an "A" game. I asked some of our boys, then took it upon myself to find out exactly what we were getting into. I came across an answer, and from all all came from the Urban Dictionary.

Definition of an "A" game

1) A player's (or his lesser counterparts) best game, one usally brings his A game when the women are more attractive and therefore a greater challenge. Derived from the grade in school, "A"

2) The term can also be used for other definitions of game, such as:
a. Q: why didnt you get her number?
A: she didnt see my A game
Remark: she didnt see your B or C game either

3) Better bring your A game for the halo tournament....(or in our case the drinking we will be doing in Dega.)

The funniest thing to me is the tags this definition had: Game; Player; Mack; Pick Up; Flirt

So tell me, what is your definition of an "A" game?