Monday, April 20, 2009

Twitter and NASCAR makes a perfect pair!

All this sudden fascination about twitter in the media makes me happy in one respect and a little scared in another because I am a little nervous and afraid that it will lose its impact and get TOO viral if you will. One of the best things we like about being on twitter is all the new found NASCAR friends on there. The thing about twitter that I like the most is the feeling of support that you receive that is pretty reassuring. People you never have met who share your likes and interests and are seldom nasty- more than often always nice, give you props when needed and always there to commiserate in 140 characters or less.

Today as I signed on to our twitter, @nascargirls the lovely Rachel aka @racegirl44 "tweeted" that she updated her blog so I clicked on the link and found this great article she wrote on What NOT to wear, NASCAR style...and she gave us props! So in true twitter style, I am "retweeting" not only on our twitter but here as well! If you are a NASCAR fan, be sure to get on twitter during the race and join in!

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